So the little stud is six weeks old today. Wow time does fly! i can't wait for his appt. on Wed. to see how much he weighs now. My arms say its a lot more than last time :).
Right now he is sitting in his swing (best invention ever!) and staring at the fish and turtle mobile above him. I love that he can have a good time out of my arms for a few minutes so I can eat a quick lunch and e-mail or post some new pics on here.
He has been doing so great so far - calm and relaxed most of the time unless he wakes up hungry or needs to be changed. I'm really happy because we've barely seen him cry since he came home from the hospital! Ok I better shut up before I jinx it but he definitely has a great temperament.
So Wednesday (April 1st) is his 6-week check-up and also his first appt. to have vaccines. Not looking forward to that at all, but hopefully it will be quick and I can comfort him enough afterwards. I hate watching him feel uncomfortable and the few tests/blood work they did at the hospital was hard enough! I'm going to have to toughen up since this is just the beginning!
Oh before I forget, I figured out how to enable comments on my postings to non-members so you no longer have to be a blogger member to leave a comment on the posts!
Alright thats it for now, I think its about feeding time again. Enjoy the photos, I will try to put new pics up each week since he is growing so much and his face is constantly changing! Take care until next time...
congrats Pearl! I wondered how you were doing.
I would have sent a card but im 6wks late almost.
Baby is cute!
All my best to you all.
Awww I'm so glad to hear all is well! He looks so much like John doesn't he!!!
I had a dream last night that I came to visit you, then I get your email this morning! How weird!
Speak soon xxx
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